Thursday, May 10, 2018


                                                             Neville Raymond

Has anybody heard of DC Councilman Trayon White? › U.S. News

Goggle is awash with the fake outrage and indignation he touched off by warning his constituents to be on guard against Big Money monkeying around with the weather.

All the power-brokers and pundits ganged up on him to force him to eat crow - or given that he is black, perhaps we should say, Jim Crow.

OK.  Before we go working ourselves into a high holy dudgeon, can we at least get our facts straight?


Weather modification has been around for decades.  

Giant weather modification installations like the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska were designed by the government to engineer the weather.  

Even a simple technique like cloud seeding was used as far back as the Vietnam War.  

In April 2016  MIT Technology Review re-published the following statement - “Within the past decade man has had sufficient success with manipulating weather processes to encourage him to press on toward greater and more precise control.”  

And they were quoting a scientist who wrote that in the MIT Technology Review issue of 1969! 

In 2014, the Navy - in the person of David Walker, Deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for science, technology and engineering - publicly confirmed previous conjectures in regards to weather modification and the projected closure of the HAARP facility.  

It is “not an area that we have any need for in the future” and it would not be a good use of Air Force research funds to keep HAARP going. “We’re moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do,” he said. “To inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it.  But that work has been COMPLETED.”

And just a couple of years ago the U.S. government officially provided a “Notice of Intent” on the pages of the Pasadena Star Classified, brazenly announcing their plan to carry out weather modification in Los Angeles County!  


Our democracy is a sham because Big Money financiers control our politicians and shape their policies. 

More than a hundred years ago, a famous spokesman for the People’s Party made it crystal-clear: 

“Wall Street owns the country.  It is no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street and for Wall Street."

A recent Princeton University study found that the average American appears to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact on public policy.  

By the same token, monied interests literally spend billions influencing the government and receive trillions in return.  

In the last five yers, the 200 most politically active corporations in the US spent $5.8 billion influencing our government with lobbying and campaign contributions and got $4.4 trillion in taxpayer support - a return of 750 times their investment!    

So what happens when we put Documented Fact #1 and Documented Fact #2 together?  

We are logically bound to draw this unexceptional conclusion.  

Those who use money to control the laws of the federal government can use the high-tech capabilities available to federal agencies to control the laws of nature that  govern the weather.  

Why, then, is it ridiculous to claim that the biggest financial combine of all - say like the Rothschild/Rockefeller dynasty - can exercise control over what is being done to the weather through the public servants and national security bureaucrats they control, whether directly or indirectly?

Here is the most damning part of the campaign of mockery and vilification directed at DC Council member Trayon White.    

Not a single media outlet took White’s remarks as a cue to open a national dialogue on the scandalous control of our democracy by Wall Street bankers in general, and by trillionaires like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds in particular.

Not a single media outlet took Trayon White’s remarks as a cue to open a national dialogue on the latest developments in the technology of weather modification and what governmental rules and regulations (if any) are in place to guard against their on-going abuse.  

But all of them without exception pounced on the man as being ‘anti-semitic' for saying (gasp!) that the financial powers that be can manipulate our meteorological climate in the same way that they control our political climate.

Now if that isn’t just like saying that 2+2 = 4 is a conspiracy theory!

Or worse, that it is an anti-semitic comment!

Hadn’t we better repent of putting two and two together and run to our Rabbi for absolution?!

                                                             Neville Raymond

Here is a thought on immigration. 

Every public venue has a lawful occupancy level.  Just like a country.

When a venue gets too crowded and there is danger of exceeding the occupancy level, the fire marshals show up and start asking people to leave.  

What about when a city or state or country gets too crowded?   

Is it lawful for the counterpart of fire marshals to show up and ask people to leave?   

It has nothing to do with Emma Lazarus.  
Or racism.  
Or diversity.  
Or even compassion. 

In the case of public venues, it has to do with a fire hazard.  

In the case of a city or state, it has to do with traffic gridlock, overcrowded schools, swamped court systems and overburdened social services. 

There is only one class of people that is uniquely positioned to make a killing from this criminal state of affairs.  
It is those who orchestrated it in the first place.  
They the ones who created the intolerable conditions in the mother country that dispossessed millions of people from their ancestral lands.   

Who are we going to blame for the surge of Mexican-born immigrants into this country from 4.6 million in 1990 to 12. 6 million in 2009?  
The exodus of 5 million family farmers from Mexico between 1991 and 2007?
Or the influx of U.S. subsidized corn and other products that drove them off their land?

The real villains of the immigration drama are not the innocent border-crossers. 
They are the corporations that wage economic and military wars that turn their countries of origin into uninhabitable wastelands - 
and then turn around and profit from the divisive pool of cheap labor at their disposal.  

This is the narrative that the mainstream media studiously avoids.  

It prints sob stories of immigrants families torn apart, while turning a blind eye to how American families are torn apart by the need to work two and three jobs because they can't make a living wage from one.    

This is the elephantine irony in the newsroom.  

The bloviator in the White House trumpets his anti-immigrant stance while diligently taking his marching orders from the same Wall Street cabal whose trade policies created the immigration debacle in the first place. 

Mr. Moneybags rides into the Oval Office on a wave of nativism and xenophobia, flaunting the banner, Make America Great Again!

And hardly anybody notices that all that immigrant bashing is a popular backlash to the plutocratic plot his cronies hatched to divide and depress America and debase it to a Third World country!    

 It is not a question of immigrants staying or leaving.  

It is how they have immigrants (along with the rest of us) coming and going.  

Here is just one question we should mull over.    

Remember when corporations in the 1990s started including bilingual options in those automated customer service phone messages?

Did you feel all warm and fuzzy at how corporate America was giving the nod to diversity and inclusiveness?

Or did you get chills running up your spine at how the corporatocracy was thinking ahead to how trade deals like NAFTA were going to throw open the floodgates of immigration?  

Sunday, April 15, 2018


"Hey Jeff!  There’s something I withheld from you."
        I cup my ears and pretend to hear the answer: 
        "Oh yeah, would you like to tell me?"
         "We salute you as a free spirit, a free thinker.  
         You’re a 21st century Bryon, a Shelley, a Blake.  
         A lanky visionary born in the wrong century.   
         An artist with the sensibility of a poet and the appetite of a horny toad."

Death throws us for a loop.  
        It may very well be the loop of infinity, but nothing throws us for a loop like death.  
        To be so alive one moment - so aware, so imaginative, so intelligent - languidly smiling with the wisdom of the ages...
        And the next moment, poof!  A burned-out light bulb - a drained battery ready to be sent back to the recycling center.
        It doesn’t seem possible.  Or credible.
        No wonder we cannot stomach death.  No wonder we shudder.  We recoil on ourselves.  We are left confounded and speechless.
How can something so exquisitely good just vanish in a heartbeat - or the lack of one?
How can we go from the heart and brain of a genius that produces beautiful epics like this to an empty mouth from which we are never going to hear again….

Death is probably the hardest thing we're ever going to face.  
How do we respond to this shocking turn of events. 
We can act chastened, subdued.  
        We can act like we got slapped in the face.  
        Or doused with cold water.  
        We can get all moody and somber, and even start to doubt that life can be as beautiful as it’s cracked up to be. 
        Or we can realize that what makes death so hard to take is not its brute reality.  It is the stark contract it provides to the  poetry and magic of life.  
Death would be nothing if life were not really something.   
        And so we  take the aliveness and vision that made Jeff so special and share it with one another in a feast of reason, a flow of soul.  
        We take the spirit of this Renaissance man and make it OUR spirit!  
        We unleash the lover and visionary in ourselves.  
        We declare today Jeff Trosper Day and whoop it up in his name.

        Death is not so daunting when we take the stellar qualities of the dead and make our lives richer and fuller by making them our own.  
        We reach out to help each other become poets and painters, tantric sexpots and polymaths.  
        We nurse a newfound appreciation for the very things we are gathered today to celebrate in Jeff’s life.  
        Jeff may be dead, but we can find the Jeff in each other.  
       We laugh and play and sing and philosophize as if Jeff were alive in each and every one of us….
       Or as the main character says in An Illumined Legacy
          “Open the heart of joy to me and I will become a thing of value.” 

Thursday, March 29, 2018


                                      Neville Raymond

Making amends is one of those life-changing things that only our species is capable of to any significant degree.  

A sergeant responsible for the death of one of his men spends a lifetime trying to live down his guilt.  

A drunk driver who kills an innocent child spends her whole life trying to make it right. 

What about doctors who give vaccinations that result in life-shattering injuries?  

We have no idea how many of them there are.  

Or how dedicated some of them are to making amends.  

It is one of the great unsung accomplishments of the medical community in this day and age.

Sunday, March 25, 2018


                                                             Neville Raymond

Has anybody heard of DC Councilman Trayon White? › U.S. News

Goggle is awash with the fake outrage and indignation he touched off by warning his constituents to be on guard against Big Money monkeying around with the weather.

All the power-brokers and pundits ganged up on him to force him to eat crow - or given that he is black, perhaps we should say, Jim Crow.

OK.  Before we go working ourselves into a rabbinical dudgeon, can we at least get our facts straight?


Weather modification has been around for decades.  

Giant weather modification installations like the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska were designed by the government to engineer the weather.  

Even a simple technique like cloud seeding was used as far back as the Vietnam War.  

In April 2016  MIT Technology Review re-published the following statement - “Within the past decade man has had sufficient success with manipulating weather processes to encourage him to press on toward greater and more precise control.”  

And they were quoting a scientist who wrote that in the MIT Technology Review issue of 1969! 

In 2014, the Navy - in the person of David Walker, Deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for science, technology and engineering - publicly confirmed previous conjectures in regards to weather modification and the projected closure of the HAARP facility.  

It is “not an area that we have any need for in the future” and it would not be a good use of Air Force research funds to keep HAARP going. “We’re moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do,” he said. “To inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it.  But that work has been COMPLETED.”

And just a couple of years ago the U.S. government officially provided a “Notice of Intent” on the pages of the Pasadena Star Classified, brazenly announcing their plan to carry out weather modification in Los Angeles County!  


Our democracy is a sham because Big Money financiers control our politicians and shape their policies. 

More than a hundred years ago, a famous spokesman for the People’s Party made it crystal-clear: 

“Wall Street owns the country.  It is no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street and for Wall Street."

A recent Princeton University study found that the average American appears to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact on public policy.  

By the same token, monied interests literally spend billions influencing the government and receive trillions in return.  

In the last five yers, the 200 most politically active corporations in the US spent $5.8 billion influencing our government with lobbying and campaign contributions and got $4.4 trillion in taxpayer support - a return of 750 times their investment!    

So what happens when we put Documented Fact #1 and Documented Fact #2 together?  

We are logically bound to draw this unexceptional conclusion.  

Those who use money to control the laws of the federal government can use the high-tech capabilities available to federal agencies to control the laws of nature that  govern the weather.  

Why, then, is it ridiculous to claim that the biggest financial combine of all - the Rothschild/Rockefeller dynasty - can exercise control over what is being done to the weather through the public servants and national security bureaucrats they control, whether directly or indirectly?

Here is the most damning part of the campaign of mockery and vilification that scapegoated DC Council member Trayon White.    

Not a single media outlet took White’s remarks as a cue to open a national dialogue on the scandalous control of our democracy by Wall Street bankers in general, and by trillionaires like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds in particular.

Not a single media outlet took Trayon White’s remarks as a cue to open a national dialogue on the latest developments in the technology of weather modification and what governmental rules and regulations (if any are in place to guard against their on-going abuse.  

But all of them without exception pounced on the man as being ‘anti-semitic' for saying (gasp!) that the financial powers that be can manipulate our meteorological climate in the same way that they control our political climate.

Now if that isn’t just like saying that 2+2 = 4 is a conspiracy theory!

Or worse, that it is an anti-semitic comment!

Hadn’t we better repent of putting two and two together and run to our Rabbi for absolution?!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


by Neville Raymond 

There’s nothing like the big picture for showing up how small-minded people can be. 
Look at the baker who wouldn’t bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.  
In America we made a federal case out of it!  
Have we lost all sense of perspective?  
It’s not that such an idea lacks legs or that it won’t take us far.  There are no limits to what we can accomplish by refusing to put our skillset to work for people or causes that offend our moral, political, and yes, religious sensibilities.  
But we do have to pick and choose our battles. 

In the scale of things, many things ought to strike us as abominations on an epic, if not a biblical scale.  
It would be understandable if we refused to lay our creative gifts at the feet of those who poison our air, pollute our ground water and exhaust the earth’s ability to renew itself.  
Now that would make a whole heap of sense.  
Imagine if groups of tens or hundreds or thousands of people withheld the fruits of their industry and ingenuity from those who jeopardize our collective health, darken our children’s future and imperil our planet's very existence.  
That might just mark a sea change.

It would be understandable if we refused to place our services at the disposal of those with blood on their hands.  
Now that would make a whole heap of sense.  
Imagine if we forged a group consensus to withhold our labor and craftsmanship from those who routinely offend our core belief in the sanctity of human life.  
Imagine if jewelers refused to make wedding rings, florists refused to make wedding bouquets, caterers refused to cater wedding receptions, photographers refused to visually document the occasion, and priests refused to officiate over wedding ceremonies on behalf of those who choose to send solders to maim and kill brown-skinned people in faraway lands or to militarize cops to shoot unarmed black teenagers like mad dogs on the streets. 

It would be understandable if we refused to serve at the beck and call of those who use their monopoly of money to swindle and enslave the rest of the world.  
Now that would make a whole heap of sense.  
Imagine if we formed a grassroots movement to withhold our time and energy from those violate our core belief in the preciousness of every human life.  
Imagine if we refused to make our clerical help or administrative support or managerial know-how available to those who use their control of the banking system to trap an entire class of people in dead-end jobs, bankrupt entire countries with odious debts, or impose drastic austerity budgets that drive people from Buenos Aires to Bangladesh to destitution or suicide by making it impossible for them to feed, clothe and house their families. 

But to play the boycott card with gay sex?  
That is what we see fit to target with our outrage?  
Not those who batter or rape their partners but those who consensually sleep with partners of the same sex?  

Just think of it.  
Here we could refuse to perform a vast array of vital services for those who use their monopoly power over money, oil and pharmaceuticals to plunder and exploit, prey on and poison our fellow man.  
We could refuse to pick their food, wait on their tables, pilot and chauffeur them hither and thither, answer their phones and emails, clean their mansions, mow their lawns and trim their hair.  
We could refuse to act as their security guards, fight their legal battles, keep their computer systems running, advise them on strategies to get away with murder, and circulate any number of falsehoods and slanders in the mass media to befuddle the majority of people and turn them against their own best interests. 

But heaven forbid!  
All that doesn’t offend our deepest moral sensibilities and cherished spiritual values!  
It doesn’t violate our freedom of expression and trample on our constitutional right to liberty and equality.  
For when it comes right down to it, the one thing that really goads us into making a political stand is two men having sex! 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

How The Flat Earth Society Got Rolling

by Neville Raymond

Two Illuminati were in the middle of a debate. 
The more worried one was having second thoughts about bamboozling the people.                                                            
         “Look”, he said, “people everywhere are catching on.  They no longer buy the official version of 9-11.  The numbers who question the moon landing increases every year we don’t return.  And even the Holocaust doesn’t command the blind faith it used to.”
            The more cynical of the two two pooh-poohed the whole trend.  
        “The people are and continue to be as dumb as ditch water.” 
“How can you say that”, protested the Worrywart.  “People are growing up too fast on the internet.  They are no longer buying our sophisticated iterations of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.  It’s harder than ever to make people believe in the impossible.”
“Don’t be a silly goose”, replied the Cynic dourly.  “People are as gullible as ever.”
Thoughtfully stroking his chin, the Cynic brightened.  
        “Tell you what, let’s put our money where our mouth is.  Let’s place a wager, shall we?  Pick the most preposterous idea you can think of, and I bet we can make millions of people believe it is true.”
“Like what”, asked the Worrywart.
“Well, how about the old medieval chestnut that the earth is flat.  Now there is an idea that was mothballed hundreds of years ago.” 
“Well”, reflected the Worrywart, “at least the literal-minded theologians will go for it.  Doesn’t the Bible say the earth is as flat as an IHOP pancake?”
“No, it says the earth is God’s footstool.  Same difference,” chuckled the Cynic.   
“At least it doesn’t say the earth is God’s medicine ball.  
          The Worrywart perked up.  "So shall we get the CIA on it?”
“No need.  Some English nutjob published a pamphlet on the flat earth back in the 19th century.  Later, in the middle of the 20th century, the space race had barely got going when some American crackpot picked up the cue and founded the International Flat Earth Society.”  
“OK, so how much do you want to bet?” asked the Worrywart.
“How about a nice round figure.  Ten million bucks.” said the Cynic.
“You’ll bet $10 million that people are that stupid?  Fine by me.  So how will we know who wins the bet?”
“When the membership rolls of the Flat Earth Society reaches a million true believers.”
“You got it”, said the Worrier.  “If we can get one million people to believe the earth is a flat disc, you’ve got yourself ten million bucks.  It’s worth my peace of mind, your know.  Who cares if more people than ever are seeing through 9-11 or the moon landing or the Holocaust. If a million people can be made to doubt the evidence of our satellite eyes in the sky, I stand corrected.  The masses can be made to believe in anything.”

And so the Flat Earth Society was launched, or rather, re-launched with little fanfare.  
            With membership down to a hundred diehard members as of a year ago, the Cynic is roundly losing the bet.  
           But the Worrywart is more than happy to lose just so he can regain his peace of mind.